Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Maxine's Pictures December 8-12

Monday, December 8th, I went to Galeries Lafayette for a fashion show.  I know we already posted pictures of the inverted glass Christmas tree in the middle of the store under the glass dome but it was so pretty, I had to take more.

Those who know me are probably surprised that I went to a fashion show.  At home I certainly don't spend much time or attention on fashion trends.  But I figured, I'm in Paris. So, why not?  Galeries Lafayette has a weekly fashion show on the top floor of the store.  It's free and you have to reserve in advance.

In case you couldn't tell from the photos, the trends of the season are High Tech (synthe-chic materials), Full Metal (metallic colors and materials), 60s Revival (self-explanatory), and what they called "Pop'timisme" (80's style, street look).  There were only a couple of outfits I could actually imagine wearing.  And the models were unbelievably skinny!

This is the view from the ladies bathroom at Galeries Lafayette.  That is Sacre Coeur in the distance.

On Tuesday afternoon I went to the Parler Paris salon in the Marais.  It was a chance to meet other expats and this salon featured a presentation by officers in the French Foreign Legion.  The Foreign Legion provides a new start for men from over 100 countries.  As long as you tell the truth about your past, they'll accept whatever you may have done.  We met a former legionnaire when we were in Burgundy.  He was a Brit who moved to France after serving.  Now I wish I'd asked this acquaintance  more about his past!

Thursday I took a foie gras cooking class at Cook'n with Class.  Although we can't get foie gras in California anymore, it was fun to learn how to make it a variety of different ways.  This first is seared foie gras wrapped in brioche dough.  It may look a little like a bagel dog but it tasted completely different!

Seared foie gras with caramelized apples and a gastrique (honey and sherry vinegar sauce).  This was a delicious combination of sweet, sour, crunchy and creamy.

Panna cotta foie gras with an almond tuile.  This creamy dessert was about 1/3 foie gras but really I only tasted the vanilla.

The only picture missing is the Torchon of foie gras cooked mi-cuit.  This is the traditional, partially cooked preparation that is served with bread.  I learned that it isn't pate which will always include pork in addition to the foie gras.  It's 100% foie gras and Tom's favorite.  The torchon is in our refrigerator and I'll take a picture when we cut it open.

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