Monday, December 8, 2014

Tom's Pictures Dec 1-7

OK, way too long without posting!  Here are the ton of pictures I've accumulated in the past week.  But, they don't even document (unfortunately) half of what we've done in the last week.  Yes, Paris is getting VERY cold.  But, it's still gorgeous and there are many many things to do.

This picture was taken from the mall (yes, that kind of mall) that was built as part of the Louvre expansion in the 80's/90's.  The same expansion that gave the place the pyramid, which is what you see at the far end of this photo (along with Christmas decorations)

Yes, the Da Vinci Code Pyramid.  Here it is up close.

I've mentioned in other blog entries that Adam Gopnik talked about his difficulties in finding a health club in Paris.  They're here now, plenty of them.  Saw this one while out walking and liked the name.

American company in Paris :(  I've blogged before about this -- the internationalization of retail that we've seen...

This next series of pictures is from the Chatelet Metro station.  It's worth repeating -- it's really really fun to be hurriedly making your way through the metro tunnels and, in the distance, to hear classical music.  And then the absolute delight of coming upon this group of musicians playing.  Chatelet is the largest metro stop and listening to this for a few minutes makes changing trains there worth while. 

Place Vendome.  Ritz Hotel is just out of the picture to the right.

Me, bundled up for the weather...

Some pictures from Rue Faubuorg St. Honore, the designer clothing street. lit up for the holidays.

First Sunday of the month the museums and national monuments are free.  Last month Maxine took the climb to the top (!) of the Arc du Triomphe.  Recall that it's very near to our apartment....  This month Maxine persuaded me to make the same climb.  This is the stairwell some of the 380 steps to the top.  The next several pictures are view from the top of the Arc.

Our apartment is somewhere in the center of this photo!

Champs Elysee, with the Grand Palais in the upper right.

On free museum day, I also spend 4 hours at the Pompidou Center, the national Modern Art museum.  It's a mix of classical modern art and more experimental works.  Overall, a very good museum and worth going to, even if you have to pay!

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